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prim20704:Error when trying to generate or post an invoice: Error: Evolve did not find any transactions for project EV_PR_00000000 and document control number DOC000000000

Solution ID: prim20704
Error when trying to generate or post an invoice: Error: Evolve did not find any transactions for project EV_PR_00000000 and document control number DOC000000000
Status: Reviewed
Version(s): 6.3, 7.0, 7.1, 8.1, 8.5

Problem: When trying to generate or post an invoice, the following error(s) appear for one or many projects. 

Error: Evolve did not find any transactions for project EV_PR_00000000 and document control number DOC000000000

Fix: The message received is not actually an error. It’s a report or warning that based on the invoice parameters specified, some projects in that company have no transactions to invoice.

To see if a particular invoice was generated, go to Billing – Print Invoices and search for it there.


In some cases, where there are posted transactions to invoice and the above Error message is received, verify the following on the Project and Positions:

  1. How is the Project Billing setup?


  • If Fixed Schedule, has a Billing Schedule been added?


  • If Time and Material, is the Financial Rules setup correctly?


  • How is the Position setup?


    • If Use Role Rates is checked for either Bill or Cost make sure a Business Role has been selected


    • Check the Financial setting for the Position


    • Have the Financials been Overridden?

    • Verify the settings

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